"Creativity is an On-going, Changing, Evolving Entity"...

Arcos de la Frontera, Spain 2015

Landmark plc, London 2006

India, 1999
Kingsland rd, E London 2002

Arcos de la Frontera, Spain 2012
Arcos de la Frontera, 2013

Cyprus, 1997

Boblow, Suffolk, 2004
Words written by Heathcote Williams, after seeing a few of Mike England's paintings at an Exhibition at Liscous Design, Oxford.
"Mike England’s paintings are elusive. However, if you give them a chance they’ll tease your consciousness into a satisfying sense of harmony.
One picture may look like the outlines of banned items in an airport security X-ray; another may resemble a Welsh landscape, burgeoning with primal spongiform plants that await a dinosaur’s jaws.
In another a series of time-lapse images seem to be describing an inner dreamscape of the painter’s thoughtful psyche.
As you look from subject to subject you don’t quite know what’s what. The pictures move in and out of the figurative. Is another painting a cityscape with TV screens and warnings to jaywalkers? Or is it Mondrian’s ghost picking up his ruler and his brushes again?
“Everything is abstract”, Mike England says, gently throwing down the gauntlet to anyone who might feel challenged by his painting’s non-figurative aspect. Mike England’s paintings penetrate the inner and reflect it in the outer. It’s quantum painting in which the artist is quietly breaking new ground. He proceeds according to his own lights and his paintings reflect that illumination".
Heathcote Williams ... writer/Poet

Gallery Jin, Tokyo 2000

Cyprus Circles, Cyprus 1997

S Ken studio 2012
Oxford Arts Week, 2015

S. Ken Studio 2011

Shoredith Studio 2001